School Song & School Hymn

School Hymn

《 Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart 》  [Download]

1 Rejoice, ye pure in heart! Rejoice, give thanks, and sing! Your glorious banner wave on high, The cross of Christ your King.
*Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks, and sing!
2 Bright youth and snow-crowned aged, Strong men and maidens meek, Raise high your free, exulting song, God's wondrous praises speak.
3 With all the angel choirs, With all the saints of earth, Pour out the strains of joy and bliss, True rapture, noblest mirth.
4 Yes on through life's long path, Still chanting as ye go, From youth to age, by night and day, In gladness and in woe.
5 Praise Him Who reigns on high, The Lord Whom we adore, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, One God for ever more.



詞:嚴志成、鄧慶年     曲:何俊牲、王德安  [Download]
